
How To Remove Icons In Blog Post Jupiter X

You have your feet firmly planted on the ground? Then how about embarking on a trip to Jupiter?

For fans of the Solar System and Antiquity, sorry in advance: we're not going to talk about the huge planet or the Roman God of heaven and earth (among others).

Jupiter planet turning

We're here to chat about WordPress. The Jupiter we're interested in designates a successful premium WordPress theme, the subject of our test of the day.

Hold on tight, it's going to blow your mind. You're going to discover it from every angle by delving into its ease of use, customization, and user experience.

Are you ready to reach for the moon? Follow the guide!

Originally written in August 2016 by Nicolas, this article was updated in October 2020. The version of the Jupiter theme used in this test is 1.21.0.

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What is the Jupiter theme?

Jupiter theme intro on ThemeForest

Jupiter is a premium multi-purpose theme created in July 2013. Designed to work with the page builder Elementor, it has many customization options to help you create a site without any technical knowledge.

This means that you can use it to design any type of site (showcase site, portfolio, blog, online store, etc.) in any domain.

To help you do this, Jupiter theme offers for example more than 300 ready-to-use site templates that can be activated in just a few clicks.

With 141,000 sales at the time of writing, it ranks 7th among the best-selling themes of all time on the ThemeForest platform behind competitors such as Avada, Enfold and The7, to name but a few.

Even if its rating is very honorable (4.71 stars out of 5), there is one interesting detail to note: it remains the least rated theme by its users, among the 10 most popular themes on ThemeForest.

But as you'll see, that doesn't make it a bad theme. On the contrary, I would say that it pleasantly surprised me.

Behind this well-oiled machine, we find the digital agency Artbees, specialized in the creation of WordPress themes, which develops and maintains Jupiter.

The latter is its main product, but Artbees also markets another more confidential theme on ThemeForest: The Ken (6,500 sales).

Before going on to discover the interface of the theme and how to use it, let's specify that the Jupiter theme has undergone a major overhaul, at the end of 2018. In particular, the theme has been completely redesigned using the Elementor Page Builder, instead of WPBakery Page Builder (former Visual Composer).

But don't worry, we will come back in more details about the adaptation to Elementor in a dedicated part, a little later.

Please note that there is a free version of the theme on the official WordPress directory called JupiterX Lite. By its very nature, it is very limited in terms of features, but it may allow you to get a first impression of the theme, which is not insignificant.

Presentation of Jupiter X Lite theme

Getting started with the Jupiter theme

Installation of the theme

To begin, install and activate the Jupiter theme. Once this is done, you will find that the theme requires 3 things to work properly:

  • Activate the Jupiter X Core plugin, which allows you to use all the features offered by the theme and customize them using the WordPress Customization Tool (number 1 on the below screenshot);
  • Adding your Envato purchase code or an API key to unlock all the theme options (number 2);
  • Required installation of 3 plugins (number 3): Elementor (a page builder), Advanced Custom Fields (to create and display custom fields), and Raven (a homemade add-on that adds widgets to Elementor).
Installation settings of Jupiter X theme on WordPress

For the purposes of this test, I'm going to follow all these recommendations to the letter, to see what it all comes down to.

To avoid any problems (e.g. incompatibility with a plugin), Artbees recommends that you install its theme on a fresh installation of WordPress. In addition, the Jupiter theme has specific server requirements to function properly. In case of a problem at home, get in touch with your web host to set all this up in the best possible way.

Once these operations are done, I recommend that you activate the JupiterX child theme, made available on this page.

A child theme is a sub-theme that inherits all the features and style of the main theme, also called parent theme (in our case, Jupiter X).

By using a child theme, you make sure that you don't lose any changes you have made (e.g. CSS modifications) in future updates of the main theme.

First impressions of the interface

When you're done with the Jupiter X prerequisites, you'll be pleasantly surprised to come across a simple, and above all, not too overloaded Dashboard. Personally, I couldn't believe my eyes.

After having tested several competing themes also present on ThemeForest (Avada, Bridge etc.), I had gotten pretty used to getting lost in the middle of Rube Goldberg machines.

Here, none of that. It becomes almost disconcerting. In fact, the Jupiter X theme has "only" 3 submenus of settings.

Well, not quite, you'll understand why.

Jupiter theme WordPress Dashboard menu

The first one, called Control Panel, gives you access to the required and recommended plugins, templates (site templates), or even some settings: use of a cache, link with Google Analytics, possibility to go back to a previous version of the theme or plugins in case of bugs (rollback versions) etc.

It's clear, fast and precise. And we also appreciate to find links to video tutorials or documentation.

To take the theme in hand, it's always useful.

Jupiter theme control panel

The second submenu (Customize) is actually a link to the WordPress Customization Tool (the Customizer), which the Jupiter theme uses its way. I'll come back to it very quickly in the next part.

Finally, the third submenu (Help) takes you to the theme's online help (Support).

To summarize our first steps, we can say that the developers have made sure that we don't get lost among the menus and submenus, and it's rather successful: we are quickly getting our bearings.

You should also know that the WordPress side menu has been lightened. Nicolas, who wrote the initial version of this article in 2016, explained at the time that 13 types of custom content were added during installation!

During my test, I just came across the Elementor and ACF settings menus. The theme has been on a good diet in the meantime!

All good for you with the theme so far? Now it's time to customize it.

From now on, you will really start building a site that looks like you.

Customizing Jupiter on WordPress

Site demos (Jupiter templates)

To customize your content on Jupiter X (the theme, not the planet), you first have over 300 templates created with the Elementor page builder.

They are classified into 16 categories covering several areas: corporate, blog/magazine, food and beverage, sports, travel, retail, fashion, beauty, events, and more.

In short, there's something for everyone, which ensures that you can create a site that fits the vast majority of niche markets.

Jupiter templates on WordPress

Of course, you will have to make modifications to meet your expectations, but starting from a pre-designed base will save you a lot of time.

Visually, we can say that the demos are beautiful and successful. Artbees lists them on this page, and I've put 3 examples below, to give you a first idea:

The Decoration Shop demo of Jupiter theme
The Decoration Shop demo
The Fashion Blog demo of Jupiter theme
Fashion Blog demo
The Persephone demo of Jupiter theme
The Persephone demo

As you can see, these demos showcase the possibilities of the theme. Moreover, it is then very easy to import them in their entirety, or partially (two clicks are enough).

To do this, you do it in the Jupiter X Control Panel, on your WordPress administration interface. Logically, then go to the Templates submenu to find the listing.

I particularly liked the following elements:

  • The search bar and search filters to help you get your hands on a specific template. I remind you that there are more than 300 of them, it can be useful.
Search bar of the Jupiter theme
  • The presence of a PSD file for each template, which you can use if you want to modify certain graphic elements on PhotoShop.
  • The possibility to preview a template before installing it.
  • The fact that the installed template is visible at the top of the Templates menu. Convenient to avoid us looking for it for ages, if we want to replace or delete it.
Installed Template on Jupiter theme

In the end, the import process went perfectly on my local test site. For your information, it took about 2 minutes for the whole Resume demo to be imported.

I noticed no bugs and no loading problems. As for the online page, there were no problems (no absence of images, text, misalignment etc.). And of course, it looked exactly like the demo previewed just before. 😉

Even if a demo caught your eye, you will need to modify it, even just for the text content, to customize it.

Here's a great ally for this: Elementor.

Customize your demos with Elementor

From its launch in July 2013, until the end of 2018, the Jupiter theme first embarked the page builder WPBakery.

Specifically, the developers had preferred to include a modified version of WPBakery, which contained all of Jupiter's exclusive modules (more than 80 in total).

The formatting possibilities were then correct, explained Nicolas, in the first draft of this article.

On the other hand, the developers had deactivated the site building as "public interface" (front-end). This was a serious hindrance to use, since everything was happening on the administration (back office, without the possibility of viewing the changes made).

But that was before. At the end of 2018, Artbees launched Jupiter X with a major evolution: the replacement of WPBakery by Elementor.

Elementor is the flagship page builder of the moment. It has more than 5 million active installations on the official directory and its users praise its flexibility, ergonomics and intuitiveness.

Elementor on the WordPress directory

It's really a very powerful and user-friendly tool; moreover, Alex has been using it since 2016 to build some pages on WPMarmite… and he can't do without it anymore!

How does it work?

If you recall the beginning of this article, you remember that the Jupiter theme requires the installation of Elementor (its free version, not the Pro).

On top of that, the theme comes with two plugins that offer their own widgets (ready-to-use modules to add Titles, buttons, text, images etc.).

  • Raven: Jupiter's in-house plugin adds about 20 new widgets.
  • The Jet Plugins
Overview of some Raven and Jet widgets
Overview of some widgets from Raven (top) and Jet Elements

In the end, you end up with nearly 80 more widgets than the free version of Elementor.

Few of them are redundant and will help you set up testimonials, price tables, forms, portfolios and more.

Another interesting fact: Jupiter X also adds its own "blocks", i.e. sections of pages that are ready to use.

Elementor blocks on Jupiter theme

Then everything happens on the front-end interface (what your visitors see) of your site. Like most page builders, Elementor uses the drag-and-drop function and enables you to manually resize the contents of your page.

To learn more about how to use it, I redirect you to the article we dedicated to it on the WPMarmite blog.

Build all sections of your site

In its free version, Elementor does not allow you to create a custom header and footer.

One of the advantages of Jupiter X is that it gives you this possibility, thanks to its Raven plugin.

To do this, go to the Elementor > Templates menu, and enjoy! You will have the choice among 20 templates ready to use:

Jupiter X header selection

But you can also create your own from scratch. The principle is exactly the same for your footer.

In addition, you can also access other features that are normally only available with Elementor Pro:

  • JetPopup will help you design your popup windows.
  • The Raven Form widget will allow you to create a contact form.
  • The JetMenu plugin will help you to create a mega menu.

A personalized use of the Customization Tool

After the demos and use of Elementor, you can also customize your content on Jupiter X using the WordPress Customizer.

Note that this was not possible on the version tested by Nicolas. So there was also a positive evolution on this level. 😉

You should know that the Customizer is very useful to set up general settings applicable to your entire site (menus, colors, logo etc.), especially because you can have a real-time preview of the changes made.

Not all themes necessarily use it. Personally, I like it when they do.

It allows the users to land in an environment they already know, so they don't have to take their bearings again.

To see what it looks like with Jupiter, go to the Jupiter X > Customize menu, or go to Appearance > Customize.

If you are familiar with the visual appearance of the Customization tool, you won't be too surprised at this point.

Beyond the native WordPress settings (Site Identity, Home Page Settings, Menus, Additional CSS, etc.), you will still come across a dozen more submenus.

But where Jupiter X stands out is in the way it uses the Customizer.

When you click on a settings area supported by the theme, a pop-up window will immediately be highlighted. I've never seen this before on any other theme.

Note a handy little trick for the user experience: you can move that window anywhere on your page with a simple drag and drop action:

Popup settings on WordPress customizer for Jupiter theme

Among the options that caught my attention, I could mention:

  • The possibility to set the theme to full width.
  • 3 different layouts for your Blog. You can also choose to display related articles, share buttons on social networks (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn), an Author insert.
Blog Single settings and styles on Jupiter theme
  • An option to be able to create a sticky menu (a menu that remains fixed at the top of the screen when scrolling).
  • The ability to assign a page template created with Elementor to your 404 page and your Maintenance page.
  • WooCommerce specific settings if you use it. You will be able to customize the colors of your product page, the buttons associated to the products and their texts etc.

Of course, you will also be able to make adjustments on typography, colors, sidebars etc.

But also settings on a case by case basis

In addition to the changes you can make using Elementor and/or the Customization Tool, it is also possible to refine certain settings individually, for each page or item.

Once you are on your favorite content editor (Gutenberg or the Classic Editor, if you're old-school), you will see a dedicated insert at the bottom of your page:

Various settings from the Post Options tab on Jupiter

You will be able to act on the following elements:

  • The header, with the possibility to enable/disable it, or assign a custom header to your page/post. Disabling your header can be useful if you want to create a landing page, for example.
  • The body of your page (Main ), with for example the possibility to display your content in full width, to assign or not to assign a sidebar to it, to set the padding and the margin etc.
  • The content title (Title Bar) : you will be able to display it or not, add a subtitle and a breadcrumb trail.
  • The footer, with roughly the same options as for the header.

Integration with plugins

To customize your site without coding, WordPress also has its secret move: its famous plugins.

The official directory lists more than 57,000 of them and some of them are required to work with the Jupiter theme.

Among them, remember, there are already Elementor and ACF:

ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) and Elementor on Jupiter

Find in this article our Top 25 plugins to be installed now on your site.

In addition, Jupiter X also offers you a selection of 21 optional plugins, to be installed only if you need them.

As the theme states, if you enable many plugins, you are more likely to alter the loading speed of your site and, therefore, provide a less pleasant user experience for your visitors. Think carefully before you act. 😉

Some of these optional plugins include for example:

  • Premium slider plugins such as Layer Slider, Master Slider and Slider Revolution. We have tested these three here, if you are interested.
  • WooCommerce, if you want to turn your website/blog into an ecommerce store.
  • Jet Plugins (e.g. Jet SmartFilters, Jet Menu, Jet Tabs etc.) mentioned earlier in this post.

Note that Jupiter X also offers its own version of WPBakery Page Builder, if you don't want to use Elementor. The theme also includes the Pro version of ACF.

All in all, with this bunch of premium plugins, the Jupiter X theme claims to offer you plugins with a total value of $275.

Added value of plugins on Jupiter

Finally, Jupiter X on WordPress is compatible with many classic plugins such as WPML, bbPress, Yoast SEO, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7 etc.

The WooCommerce Shop Customizer

Among the many plugins integrations proposed by Jupiter X, let's stop in details on WooCommerce. The proposed options are really very interesting.

Once you have activated the famous ecommerce plugin, a Shop submenu will be available in the Customization Tool. From there, you will be able to make real-time settings on:

  • The list of your products: modification of their size, typography, colors, width, alignment etc.
  • Your Products page by customizing images, description, price, ratings, reviews etc.
  • The Shopping Cart page and the Payment page
WooCommerce Shop preview on Jupiter

The Jupiter X theme also provides you with ready-to-use product page templates.

That's it, you're done with this broad overview of Artbees theme customization. Now, let's move on to another major area: the user experience.

In the next part, we'll focus on 3 key themes: theme loading speed, SEO and responsive.

User experience


The loading time of the pages of your theme has an impact on two main aspects:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization):Google, the most used search engine in the world, supports this criterion to rank a page in its search results. However, don't panic: this criterion has relatively little weight. For example, it is better to focus on producing high-quality content and getting backlinks.
  • And above all, the user experience, i.e. the quality of the experience lived by Internet users on a website. If a page loads very slowly – for your information, Google recommends a loading time of less than 3 seconds on smartphones – you risk scaring your visitors away and increasing your bounce rate. At the same time, you risk sending a very bad signal to Google, which doesn't like it.

Initially criticized for its heaviness, as Nicolas detailed in the initial version of this article, Jupiter X has since improved, fortunately.

Today, performance has even become one of its key arguments. On its ThemeForest presentation page, the designers of the theme specify that it is "extremely light" and that "each line of code is optimized".

In its settings, Jupiter X even goes so far as to offer really advanced options, such as cache functions.

To give you a first idea, I had fun testing the loading speed of one of the templates (the one called Church) of Jupiter X, using the Pingdom Tools tool. And the result was quite conclusive:

Performance test of Jupiter X with the Pingdom Tools tool

However, I would like to point out: don't take this data for granted. If you're experimenting at home, you might have completely different data (e.g. poorer performance) depending on your hosting, or the plugins you use with the theme.

Remember: the more you tend to overload it, the more likely it is that the page loading time will slow down.

Personally, during my test on a local installation, I noticed some slowdowns on the back office when I activated a lot of plugins, to see what the theme was capable of. It's unlikely that you'll end up with the same configuration at home, but again, don't be too greedy. The more features and plugins you're going to add, the more you're likely to face this kind of inconvenience.


Let's move on to SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

SEO is a broad term that refers to the techniques that will allow you to try to rank the pages of your site as high as possible on a search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.)

Note: I'm talking about "ranking pages" on purpose because a search engine does not rank a whole site, but pages.

So here, no surprises or breaking news to reveal. Like all its competitors, Jupiter X is a classic. It claims to be "optimized for SEO" (all the themes hammer that). That is to say that it claims to follow best practices in this area, especially in the code.

It's difficult to check everything point by point, but what we can already see is that it uses a correct structure of title tags (the hn titles).

While inspecting the code of two demos, I noticed that it only used one h1 title per page (this is a very good SEO practice, bravo!) and that the hierarchy of titles (h2, h3, h4) was respected behind.

Now, for SEO, most of the work is in your hands. You can already act on some elements using Elementor, for example on those famous title tags within your content:

hn tags on Elementor
Setting hn tags on Elementor

Then, nothing prevents you from activating an SEO plugin to help you optimize your content. We've tested a few of them on the blog, if you feel like checking them out:

  • Yoast SEO: the one used on WPMarmite;
  • Rank Math: one of Yoast's main challengers;
  • SEOPress: a 100% French quality plugin, cock-a-doodle-doo! (remember, WPMarmite is from France… 😉 )


Responsive is a technique that consists in making your site readable on any type of device used by your visitors (computer, smartphone and tablet).

Like SEO, it is a strong argument for theme developers, who do not hesitate to mention that their favorite theme is responsive.

Given the stakes, they are understandable as more and more Internet users now use their smartphone to access the Internet.

So you might as well tell yourself that your site has to perfectly fit a smartphone screen!

If you're planning to get the Jupiter X theme, you shouldn't have any worries about that. The theme's templates fit perfectly on all screens.

To make sure they do, you can first check them out with Google's Mobile Optimization Test. I have no obstacles to report:

Google Mobile-Friendly Test on Jupiter theme

Next, you can use the display control icons at the bottom of the Customization Tool to check the correct appearance of your pages, depending on the device used:

Responsive check of Jupiter theme

Finally, you can of course make even finer adjustments using the page builder you are about to use. Elementor, for example, allows you to manage many responsive aspects ranging from font size, to the display of certain elements depending on the type of device used, to the management of internal and external margins.

Documentation and support

When you get started with and discover a theme, it can happen that you struggle at certain times. How does this or that option work? Where is this setting hiding?

In these moments of loneliness, we appreciate to have a well-documented and well-done documentation.

This is the case for Jupiter X, which first offers detailed written tutorials, supported by screenshots.

To help you set the footer,you can also use the videos from the Youtube channel of Artbees Themes.

There were 123 at the time of writing. Enough to satisfy your appetite, isn't it? A short example with this short and handy video to change the alignment of an element according to the screen resolution:

Wait, it's not finished. 😉 A forum is also available, as well as a private Facebook group with more than 700 members.

Finally, if you still feel stuck, you can always ask for support directly, either by using a chat or by sending a direct message.

A link on the Control Panel dashboard is provided for this purpose.

How much does the Jupiter theme cost?

Jupiter theme price on ThemeForest

The Jupiter X WordPress theme is sold for $59 on the ThemeForest platform. There is no free version.

This price is valid for 1 site only. It includes 6 months of support and future updates of the theme.

This selling price is in the average range practiced by its premium competitors, that you will find generally sold at $59 or $60, even if there are exceptions. For example, the X theme is available for $29.

So, Jupiter theme, a good deal?

In the first version of this test, Nicolas concluded like this:

It's still a crazy good thing to be finally surprised by a premium theme!

Four years later, I share his opinion. The Jupiter X WordPress theme has seduced me.

The switch to Elementor, made at the end of 2018, was clearly a good decision from the theme's designers. Compared to WPBakery, users now have a flexible, intuitive and practical page builder. And that changes a lot.

Compared to the competition on ThemeForest, I found this theme much more pleasant to use than most of its "opponents", such as Avada and Bridge.

In overall, it's a great find, but to really enjoy it smoothly, you should still count on a significant learning curve.

If you are a neophyte, this is a criterion to keep in mind. Even if the Dashboard is clear and concise, you will need to familiarize yourself with all the settings. And don't forget that Elementor is not something you can learn overnight.

If you're ready to stick with it, you can give Jupiter a chance!

And you, have you tried this theme? What is your feeling? Share it in a comment!


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How To Remove Icons In Blog Post Jupiter X


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