
How Do I Change Blog Grid Three Columns To Blog

How to change Divi Blog Module layout using CSS Grid

Changing the number of posts in a row in the Divi Blog Module Grid

Divi Theme Blog Module comes with two different layout options: the Fullwidth layout and the Grid. Unfortunately, we do not have a lot of control over the look of the grid elements. The number of posts in a row is controlled automatically, depends on the current screen size, and is limited to three columns at most.

In this tutorial, I'd like to show you how to use the powerful CSS Grid to customize the grid layout to any number of columns and even break the grid by changing the size of some of the posts.

Free Blog Layouts for the Theme Builder!

I've also created a little freebie for you. Divi Lover subscribers can download and use these free Divi Blog Theme Builder templates, which include a template for the archives/categories and a single post template! Check out the demo pages and let me know what you think in the comments!

How to use CSS Grid with Divi Blog module

To use the CSS Grid we need to make sure our Blog module has a correct HTML structure. Navigate to the Module Design settings and change the layout  to Fullwidth.

This will make sure that each post, the article tag, is displayed inside the same parent container, which we can target with CSS.

Next, add a custom CSS class to your Blog module Advanced tab (I forgot about this myself when I recorded this walkthrough, but it is an important step). I am going to use the dl-blog-module1 CSS class:

Custom CSS

First, we need to target the parent container, the div with the et_pb_ajax_pagination CSS class:

                                      .dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container {     display: grid;     grid-gap: 20px;     grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr); }                

This will create a grid with 4 columns.

The CSS code below will stretch the container with pagination to full-width:

                  .dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container>div {     grid-column: span 4; }                

We could also use this:

                  .dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container>div {     grid-column-start: 1;     grid-column-end: 5; }                

Or the shorter version:

                  .dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container>div {     grid-column: 1/ 5; }                

Changing the grid for mobile

Here are some CSS media queries, which you could use to change the number of posts in a row on smaller screen sizes:

                                      @media (max-width:980px) { 	.dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container { 		grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); 	} 	.dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container>div { 		grid-column: span 3; 	} }   @media (max-width:600px) { 	.dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container { 		grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); 	} 	.dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container>div { 		grid-column: span 2; 	} }  @media (max-width:460px) { 	.dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container { 		grid-template-columns: repeat(1, 1fr); 	} 	.dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container>div { 		grid-column: span 1; 	} }                

Targeting the nth-posts

You can "stretch" any post using the span function and grid-column property. You can use the post ID to target one specific post or the nth-child selector to target the fifth one, or every third, etc. You'll find a handy guide with some nth-child examples on CSS-tricks website.

This is how your CSS could look:

                  .dl-blog-module1 .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container .et_pb_post:nth-child(5) {     grid-column: span 2; }                

Free Theme Builder Blog Layout Pack!

I've played with custom CSS and the grid a bit and created this Category/Archive page layout along with the Single Post layout. Feel free to download the JSON files if you're a Divi Lover subscriber! I hope it's useful!

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How Do I Change Blog Grid Three Columns To Blog


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