
Draw A Cat For Me

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I Want To Draw A Cat For You Update

September 24, 2021 Shark Tank

"I Want To Draw A Cat For You" Back In Business

"Cat Drawing Guy" Get's Massive Pay Raise

$1000 drawing from Mark Cuban on Shark Tank
Rare $1000 Cat Drawing from
Mark Cuban now Highly Collectible

How does a business with a 1000% markup go out of business after an appearance on the Shark Tank Show? After 18,794 Cat Drawings, Steve Gadlin decided to close down "IWantToDrawACatForYou" earlier this year after becoming famous on the Shark Tank during Season 3. Steve received a $25,000.00 investment from Mark Cuban for 33% of this customized product with the highest markup in the History of the Shark Tank. The cost of the product was minimal consisting of a piece of paper, an envelope, a stamp and two minutes of Steve Gadlin's time drawing stick figure cats. When you consider the 18,000 cat drawings sold for $9.95 each, you'd think Gadlin would be drawing cats forever, but then he simply quit and walked away from his cat drawing career. .

On the surface, the Cat Drawing Guy numbers looked impressive, that is until you add in Mark Cuban's 33% stake in this successful small business. Sure, Cuban added to the bottom line drawing ten cat drawings at $1000.00 each as per their agreement during the Shark Tank Episode, but it was more for publicity than anything else.

Forbes Magazine just did an update with Mark Cuban and the "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" deal filled with inconsistencies and was the inspiration to do another update for this Shark Tank product. For starters, the headline reads "Billionaire Mark Cuban Draws Cats, Sells Them For $1000 Each" which was published August 6, 2015. That's a full seven months "after" Steve Gadlin stopped accepting any more cat drawing requests from the site that reportedly Mark Cuban was not very happy about at the time.

Aside from that, Forbes brought in their own Art Valuation Expert to value one of only ten cat drawings Mark Cuban sold for $1000.00. The expert said, "I can't imagine why anyone would want to buy it, they're really amateur notepad doodles". We'll duh, Mark Cuban already admitted he can't draw worth crap, but if someone wants to pay a $1000. He'll do it. Beside's, the few people that are lucky enough to own one of only ten autographed cat drawing from Mark Cuban have already received priceless publicity worth far more than they paid.

What Forbes also neglects to mention is the fact Steve Gadlin is no longer retired, but he's now back to drawing more cats for you. He also wants to start drawing dogs for you as well. That's right folks, Steve is officially drawing cat and dog's on his website again, but the price has gone up, way up. The biggest obstacle Steve had with his original "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" business plan was simple supply and demand. The demand was certainly still there, but how much time can you spend drawing stick-figured cats for only $9.95 each, especially with an investor owning 33% of the company.

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The I Want To Draw A Cat (and Dog) For You Website is now officially taking new orders for only $29.95 per drawing. Apparently, Steve was hoping the demand might not be as high for his drawings with an inflated price so he could keep up with demand, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Even with a 300% markup from the original price, Steve Gadlin is again just as busy as ever. According to the website, Steve's already sold over 400 cats and dog drawings since re-opening for business.

The biggest mystery after reading Forbes recent article about the Shark Tank was Mark Cuban's comment about this particular article. When asked for a comment, Mark only said, "Going to pass on this one, No upside". Hmm, does this mean Cuban realized the headline for the article was "way out of date" as he hasn't drawn any cats for $1000 in over a year? Or, perhaps, maybe he's not very happy with raising the cat drawing prices 300% that does seem a little steep. You'd think at the very least Mark would've mentioned to the author Steve Gadlin is back in business if he was "still" a 33% owner in this business, right?

Visit the I Want To Draw A Cat For You Website

About The Author

John P

John has been a long time Shark Tank fan. He loves the show because he's an entrepreneur at heart. To help viewers of the show find out more information about the products and services that were on the show, John created

Draw A Cat For Me


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