
Cracking The Sales Management Code Summary

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CRACKING THE SALES MANAGEMENT CODE INTRODUCTION FOR SCA HYGIENE AB JASON JORDAN Partner and Author © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. www. Vantage. Point. Performance. com

Agenda • 6 Problematic Trends • Enter Vantage Point • The Research © 2015

Agenda • 6 Problematic Trends • Enter Vantage Point • The Research © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

6 PROBLEMATIC TRENDS © 2014 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

6 PROBLEMATIC TRENDS © 2014 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Data Overload Revenue Volume Market Share Close Rate Call Outcomes Pipeline Size Product Sales

Data Overload Revenue Volume Market Share Close Rate Call Outcomes Pipeline Size Product Sales Ramp-Up Time Quota Number of Sales Calls Customer Retention Deal Size Coaching Hours Territory Coverage Share-of-Wallet Cross-Selling Sales Rep Turnover Training Hours Customer Segment Time Allocation Training Type Account Plan Completion © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Prospecting Upselling Process Usage Number of Accounts Sales Cycle Length

Yet Ineffective Decision Making My top priorities? My reps' top priorities? Harder or Smarter?

Yet Ineffective Decision Making My top priorities? My reps' top priorities? Harder or Smarter? Bigger or smaller? Faster or slower? © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Poor Pipeline Management and Forecasting Poor Process Design Misleading Metrics Stage 1 Stage 2

Poor Pipeline Management and Forecasting Poor Process Design Misleading Metrics Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage X Late-Stage Focus Lack of Training © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

No Common Language Please do your call plans I did my call plans No,

No Common Language Please do your call plans I did my call plans No, the other call plans © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Too Little Coaching Hours per Month Sales Manager Sales Rep Gap <3 7% 56%

Too Little Coaching Hours per Month Sales Manager Sales Rep Gap <3 7% 56% -49% 3 -5 55% 32% +23% >5 38% 12% +26% © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

You Call that Coaching? COACHING INSPECTION • Develop in nature • Tactical in nature

You Call that Coaching? COACHING INSPECTION • Develop in nature • Tactical in nature • Asks what to do differently in the future • Explores what has already occurred • Focuses on building skills and execution • Assesses sales rep compliance • Very time-intensive, but high-value for rep and coach • Required by manager, but low-value for rep © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Ultimately… Reactive Management Boss Salespeople Marketing Customers © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights

Ultimately… Reactive Management Boss Salespeople Marketing Customers © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Finance Life



ENTER VANTAGE POINT © 2014 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

ENTER VANTAGE POINT © 2014 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Vantage Point – 4 Things to Know Focus On Sales Management Thought Leadership through

Vantage Point – 4 Things to Know Focus On Sales Management Thought Leadership through Research Mc. Graw-Hill 2012 © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Vantage Point – 4 Things to Know Methodology Neutral We Simplify © 2015 Vantage

Vantage Point – 4 Things to Know Methodology Neutral We Simplify © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. ü Richardson ü TAS ü PAUSE ü CEB ü ü GROW ü Miller Heiman SPIN "I can remember when it felt like I was constantly on fire. Now I have a better grasp on which activities will lead us to the results we need. "

Early Adopters… © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Early Adopters… © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

THE RESEARCH © 2014 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

THE RESEARCH © 2014 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

The Pestering Question How Do I Know If My Sales Force Is Good? ©

The Pestering Question How Do I Know If My Sales Force Is Good? © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

A Little Investigation © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

A Little Investigation © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

The Frustrating Search for a "Best Practice" Slide 19 © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Starting from Scratch. . . 306 Pieces of Chaos Revenue Market Share Pipeline Size

Starting from Scratch. . . 306 Pieces of Chaos Revenue Market Share Pipeline Size Call Outcomes Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Segment of Customer Ramp-Up Time Territory Coverage New/Existing Customers Deal Size Share-of-Wallet Up/Cross-Selling Tool Usage Coaching Time Allocation Skill Level Customer Retention New/Existing Product Call Volume Prospect Type Process Usage IT Investment Account Plan Completion Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Investment Number of Accounts Training Type

Guiding Question. . . Revenue Market Share Volume Call Outcomes Pipeline Size Quota Achievement

Guiding Question. . . Revenue Market Share Volume Call Outcomes Pipeline Size Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Can We Manage this Metric? Segment of Customer Ramp-Up Time Territory Coverage New/Existing Customers Share-of-Wallet Skill Level Customer Retention Up/Cross-Selling Tool Usage New/Existing Product Call Volume Coaching Time Allocation Deal Size Prospect Type Process Usage IT Investment Account Plan Completion Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Investment Number of Accounts Training Type

Some. . . Yes Revenue Market Share Pipeline Size Call Outcomes Quota Achievement Customer

Some. . . Yes Revenue Market Share Pipeline Size Call Outcomes Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Segment of Customer Ramp-Up Time Territory Coverage New/Existing Customers Deal Size Share-of-Wallet Up/Cross-Selling Tool Usage Coaching Time Allocation Skill Level Customer Retention New/Existing Product Call Volume Prospect Type Process Usage IT Investment Account Plan Completion Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Investment Number of Accounts Training Type

Some. . . No Revenue Market Share Pipeline Size Call Outcomes Quota Achievement Customer

Some. . . No Revenue Market Share Pipeline Size Call Outcomes Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Segment of Customer Ramp-Up Time Territory Coverage New/Existing Customers Deal Size Share-of-Wallet Up/Cross-Selling Tool Usage Coaching Time Allocation Skill Level Customer Retention New/Existing Product Call Volume Prospect Type Process Usage IT Investment Account Plan Completion Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Investment Number of Accounts Training Type

Some. . . Maybe? Revenue Market Share Pipeline Size Call Outcomes Quota Achievement Customer

Some. . . Maybe? Revenue Market Share Pipeline Size Call Outcomes Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Segment of Customer Ramp-Up Time Territory Coverage New/Existing Customers Deal Size Share-of-Wallet Up/Cross-Selling Tool Usage Coaching Time Allocation Skill Level Customer Retention New/Existing Product Call Volume Prospect Type Process Usage IT Investment Account Plan Completion Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Investment Number of Accounts Training Type

Three Types of Metrics The outcomes of multiple objectives and cannot be "managed" Objectives that can be influenced, but require some type of 'consent' Salesperson and manager activities that we can proactively direct and manage © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Aha Moment: We Can Only Manage Activities! Organizational outcomes that can not be 'managed'

Aha Moment: We Can Only Manage Activities! Organizational outcomes that can not be 'managed' whatsoever Objectives that require 'consent' but can be influenced Salesperson and manager activities that can be proactively managed © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Another Aha : Cause-and-Effect © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Another Aha : Cause-and-Effect © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Examples of Cause-and-Effect Business Results Revenue Volume Quota Achievement Market Share Customer Satisfaction Sales

Examples of Cause-and-Effect Business Results Revenue Volume Quota Achievement Market Share Customer Satisfaction Sales Objectives Territory Coverage Share-of-Wallet Customer Retention New/Existing Customers New/Existing Product Sales Activities Coaching Call Volume Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Account Plan Completion

Examples of Cause-and-Effect Business Results Volume Revenue Market Share Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Sales

Examples of Cause-and-Effect Business Results Volume Revenue Market Share Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Sales Objectives Territory Coverage Share-of-Wallet Customer Retention New Customer Acquisition New/Existing Product Sales Activities Coaching Call Volume Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Account Plan Completion Training

Aha #3: You Can Reverse-Engineer Success Identify the Results you want to achieve Select

Aha #3: You Can Reverse-Engineer Success Identify the Results you want to achieve Select and quantify the BEST Objectives that will lead to those Results Link the Objectives to relevant Activities, and manage them relentlessly © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Reverse-Engineering Success Business Results Revenue 5% Volume Market Share Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Sales

Reverse-Engineering Success Business Results Revenue 5% Volume Market Share Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Sales Objectives Territory Coverage 15% Share-of-Wallet Customer Retention New Customer Acquisition New/Existing Product Sales Activities Review Call Volume Qtrly Coaching Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Account Plan Completion

Then Focus on Execution of the Activity Business Results Revenue Volume Market Share Quota

Then Focus on Execution of the Activity Business Results Revenue Volume Market Share Quota Achievement Customer Satisfaction Sales Objectives Territory Coverage Share-of-Wallet Customer Retention New Customer Acquisition New/Existing Product Sales Activities Review Call Volume Qtrly Coaching Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Account Plan Completion

Why Is This Important? Sales Activities Review Call Volume Qtrly Coaching Call Type ©

Why Is This Important? Sales Activities Review Call Volume Qtrly Coaching Call Type © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved. Training Account Plan Completion

Better Management = Better Decision. Making ? ? ? © 2015 Vantage Point Performance.

Better Management = Better Decision. Making ? ? ? © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Suddenly, It Makes Sense © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Suddenly, It Makes Sense © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Summary • Sales Management Is Chaotic and Hard • Sales Managers Needs Focus •

Summary • Sales Management Is Chaotic and Hard • Sales Managers Needs Focus • Identify and Manage the Important Stuff… The Right Sales Activity • Better Execution = Big Improvement © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Questions? © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Questions? © 2015 Vantage Point Performance. All Rights Reserved.

Cracking The Sales Management Code Summary


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